--- Kyle Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have a line of code
> include 'new_album.php';
> i keep getting a file not found error
> i KNOW the file is there
> i copy the code to a new file, and save it as 123.php and then change
> the line of code to include '123.php'; and voile! it works!
> it seems there is something wrong with using the name 'new_album.php'
> with include but i dunno why...

When things make no sense, it is almost always because of an erroneous
assumption. In this case, that assumption is probably that the name has
anything to do with whether PHP can include something.

Of course, if you use the wrong name (typo), that will cause a problem. In
addition, if the permissions are such that Apache can't read the file,
then that will also cause a problem.

You have all that you need to debug this problem yourself. You have
something that works and something that doesn't. As the Sesame Street song
says, "One of these things is not like the other..."

Hope that helps.


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