|Ryan A wrote:
|> Hey everyone,
|> Thanks for your response,
|> I did try the query without the single quote, with double quotes but didnt
|> work.
|> I do think that a dot is valid in the URL coz it seems to be working if
|> there are 2 zeros in the
|> decimal part. I even tried running the SQL in PHPMyAdmin with same
|> results...
|> and I did try this:
|> total='".$p."'";
|> I wonder if "total" is a mysql reserved word or something....
|> Like I said before, i took that out and everythings running fine 'n
|> dandy...but am just curious as
|> to what was wrong...never know if it may come up again in future.
|> Cheers,
|> -Ryan

Sounds to me like your variable is being passed/interpreted as a string.
As such, 4 will never equal 4.00. 2.1 will never equal 2.10. You should
probably look at the printf() or sprintf() function to make sure that your
$p will be inserted into your query string as you expect it.

I'm not up on sprintf() format, but you would probably want something like
<?php $sql_p = sprintf("%1.2f", $p); ?>
then use $sql_p in your sql querystring.



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