all i can think of here, you could be calling start_session twice in the
same page ? also init set the session timeout to an hour or so

-----Original Message-----
From: Puiu Hrenciuc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: [PHP] Sessions, sessions and... sessions


I am a little desperate right now since I have tried to solve this problem
for 3-4 days now.
I have developed a site that uses sessions for user authentication and data
storage between page access.
The development server is Apache1.3.24/MySQL4.1.0/PHP4.3.3/Win XP Pro
The release server is Apache1.3.27/MySQ3.2.25/PHP4.3.1/Linux 2.4.25

The site is working just fine on the development server, but when uploading
on release
server it keeps losing session data and the users are logged out of their
account in a
randomly manner. I can't reproduce the behaviour since it is all randomly,
for eg.
the session may expire immediately but it can also last 30-40 min. It does
not expire
on same page every time. I have tried to see if it is a browser related
issue so I have loaded
the page into IE6, NN7, OPERA7 but the problem persisted. Next step I
thought that it
could be a process on the release server that deletes files on /tmp so I
have changed the
session_save_path to another dir, same problem. Now I have made some
and keep the sessions in a MySQL database. It works fine on the development
but... , BUT... , it has the same behaviour on the release server. Using
MySQL storage
I have discovered the PHP changes SIDs randomly ( at least so it seems ) so
the session's
data is not lost ( the MySQL record is there, and the data field is ok, all
variables are there
kindly waiting to be read by PHP :) ), but new sessions are created for same
so I think this is PHP or Cookies related.
If you would like to see the phpinfo() snapshots:
Development server :
Release server :

Can someone please help me, coz' my hair is turning white and I'm too young
to die :)

Puiu Hrenciuc.

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