
I'm putting together a proposal to design a website that is to be hosted on a Novell Enterprise 5.1 webserver - I'm told its an off-shoot of the Netscape Enterprise server. I've spoken with the network admin, and we're playing some phone tag right now, so I thought I'd ask here - is it possible to install PHP on this server?

Now part two which is most likely unrelated to this group, but maybe someone has come across this problem. As of now, there is no database installed - the client wants to be able to update the content of all their sites by themselves ... with no database, this presents a problem as I see it. I've only dabbled in Perl years ago until I found PHP to be much easier and faster for me to use. Is there a way that ppl know of where I could let the client update their own content using only Perl (no idea what version) and no database? I suppose there's some sick method of editing text files, but that seems a little bit more hokey than I'd like to get into.


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