You have a major challenge. First, I notice you don't seem to speak English natively. I don't know how well you comprehend English (this varies from person to person) but you might see if there's a PHP manual in your native language. It might help.

Second, you don't seem to know all that much and one week is not very long to learn PHP and whip out an ecommerce product.

Third, you gotta gotta gotta ask questions! We can answer questions, but we can't do it for you.

Sorry, but you can't come crying to us. You can, however, ask how to do a _specific_ task. What exactly are you having trouble with regarding sessions? We _can_ and _do_ help people when they ask something in specific. If you want a tutorial on building a simple ecommerce site, Google for one. I bet you'll find several good ones.

Good luck!


On Mar 15, 2004, at 6:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a homework from my scholl. We must make a simple website of e - comerce
use php. I just still confuse to use the session in this work. And I must make
a different page for a administrator that have a full access and a just user.
But I still don't know how to make it. There is an order and a checkout if we
want to leave the website.
Please help me, I just have time 1 week to finish it.

Warm regards:

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