Use that code, $avail just isn't evaluating to 'n' so try this somewhere
above it :

  $avail = 'n';

And it will be checked otherwise it won't.  And btw, you tried setting
value="n" that won't work unless this script submits to itself AND the
user checks it before submitting so it'll remain checked.

What are you wanting to do and where does $avail originally come from?



On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Peter Houchin wrote:

> >> Hiya can some one pls let me know if i am on the right track pls, this
> >> is in a form that updates if there is an id else it inserts, now what i
> >> want it if there is an id i want the check box to be either checked or
> >> unchecked depending on the 'y' / 'n' value in the db
> >> <input type="checkbox" name="avail" value="" <? if ($avail == 'n') {
> >> echo 'SELECTED '; }?>">
> >> Peter Houchin
> > Try CHECKED for checkboxes - SELECTED works for dropdowns.
> ok I've changed it the SELECT to CHECKED but it had no effect ... 
> <input type="checkbox" name="avail" value="" <? if ($avail == 'n') { echo 'CHECKED'; 
> I've also tried it with a "n" value  so it reads like 
> <input type="checkbox" name="avail" value="n" <? if ($avail == 'n') { echo 
>'CHECKED'; }?>> but that didn't have any luck either ... is there anything else i can 
> Peter

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