Andy B wrote:


was needing to know how to create a confirm page.
I have a form that needs to be submitted to a confirm page before it is dropped into a 
mysql db. was not sure how to do this without losing the content of the form 

Hi. Well, you have several solutions for that.

or u use sessions and u register every single variable as a session variable ( $_SESSION['variable'] ), or using forms, from one page to another
and pass the contents, then, recover every one with $_POST['variable_name'] or $_GET['variable_name'], depending on wich method u've used.

there are several other ways: in the same page, using functions and conditional statements, etc....
remember: best way is how its above (using sessions or forms) , because will work in most php installations that dont have register_globals on.

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"Written very small on the back poket of a girl's jeans - 'If you can read this, you're WAY too close.'"

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