Hello to all - just joined this list to see if I can enhance my pretty slim knowledge 
of PHP.

I have a little script I cobbled together than I modified to use as a guestbook for a 
client's site. I am trying to get the script to call a "success" page if the mail in 
fact gets 
sent. I plan to also add a "failure" page if the validation routine (haven't added 
this yet) 
doesn't work.

I have been experimenting with the statement


But no matter where I place it in the PHP file, I get the error message that says 
"Headers already sent..."

To wit:
include ("/file with passwords and user id's in it"); 
//a bunch of stuff to pull email recipient's address and id out of MySQL db
//works fine
//$enjoy, $visit, $test vars pulled from form that follows the script, no probs there
$params['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
if ($submit){
mail($recipient, $subject, $message, "From:\"$from_name\"<$from_email>\r\n" .
"Reply-to: $from_email\r\n" .   
"X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

So where in the world does the


statement go? And if I do an if/else thing on submit, where does the other statement 


TIA for any advice you can offer. I must be really missing the point here.

Cheers --- Phil Matt

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