Larry Pisani wrote:

I need to do some text file manipulation of a text file from an html
interface.  I have a file with multiple lines where each line has 2 fields
each (a mac address and an associated vlan).  Here's an example of rht text

a1b2.c3d4.e5cc VLAN3
a1b2.c3d4.e5dd VLAN4
a1b2.c3d4.e5ee IS
a1b2.c3d4.e5ff VLAN6
a1b2.c3d4.e5a1 VLAN7
a1b2.c3d4.e5b2 VLAN8
a1b2.c3d4.e5c3 Printer
a1b2.c3d4.e5d4 Guest
a1b2.c3d4.e5e5 IS
a1b2.c3d4.e5f6 VLAN6
a1b2.c3d4.e5a2 VLAN2
a1b2.c3d4.e5a3 VLAN4

Being an admin and not a developer of any kind, I'm having trouble reading
in the file and being able to output specific lines and fields of a php

[ snip ]

Try this


  $infile   = "/tmp/TEST";
  $contents = file($infile);

if (!$contents) { die("Could not read ".$infile); }

  $tmp    = array();
  $lookup = array();

  while(list($num,$line) = each($contents))
     $tmp = explode(" ",$line);
     $lookup[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];


Now you have an array with the "key" being the mac address, and the value being your vlan, something like this (actual output of the snippet above):

    [a1b2.c3d4.e5cc] => VLAN3
    [a1b2.c3d4.e5dd] => VLAN4

You can search this array for the mac address, and then output the associated lan, or you be a bit more on-topic, create a form with the associated data, like so :


  echo '<table border="0">';
  echo '<tr><td colspan="2">VLAN Editor</td></tr>';
  while(list($mac,$vlan) = each($lookup))
     echo '<tr><td>';
     echo $mac;
     echo '</td><td>';
     echo '<input type="text" name="'.$mac.'" value="'.$vlan."' />';
     echo '</td></tr>';
  echo '</table>';


You can add the form bits however you like :)

What I want to eventually do is read in the "records" and fields of this
file, present it as a form, allow admins to modify the second field and
write that back to the text file (while backing up the original file).

In order to preserve your original data, I would suggest you make a backup of it first (copy the file if you have to).

If you will be doing a lot of read/writes and updates, consider using a database to store the information.

[ trimmed rest ]

Hope this helps,

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