----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: plz help

hi ,
i have an apache web server in linux . Those php scripts runs in that pc. Mean while another perl scrips runs associate with that php scripts . altogether they develop a out put and store in the mysql database.That process perfectly running.There is no any dout.
Once this web server started , no body can access this machine directly . This machnie is behind the firewall . This machnie assingned as a web server . That's mean all the ports has been blocked by the firewall except port 80 ( this web server running under port 80 ). ping also has been blocked.
That certain url can access from any other out side pcs.
Some request handling purpose i want to stop that perl script where it is runing in the web server . But from the web server we do it ctrl+c perl.pl
I want to do this through the web browser.
when pressing a stop button , it should effect to the perl script in the web server and also when pressing start button it should start again . .............................
i think u all can understand my problem , ..................plz help ,
can some body help me to coverup the php scripting part,
thanx in advance
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