Benjamin Jeeves wrote:

Justin Patrin wrote:

Benjamin Jeeves wrote:

Hi all,

I have a search where I search inside a document and count how many times
I found a given word.

My problem is that I have a list e.g. $list_path this is a string of
where the file is location on the server what I need help on this getting
this list into array format of /somepath/doc1.doc would be $array[0] then
/somepath/ doc2.doc would be $array[1] and so on. Then I can use
array_count_values for how many times in appears.

If I my going off can someone point me in the right way?

Thank You


What format is $list_path in? How is it a string-list? If there is a delimiter (; or , for example) you can us explode.

$array_path = explode(';', $list_path);

I think the list is in scalar list e.g. if I print it as print ("$list_path[0] I get /home/user/index.php /home/user1/index.php /home/user2/index.php /home/user3/index.php and so on.

The only delimiter I can think of would to be explode on "/" and then
rebuild all the path from the array. But was hoping for a butter way as not
sure how to count all the values then?

Thank you


You can use pathinfo() to get what you want I think.

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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