
I am trying to set up a simple script that will verify that all the blanks 
in a form have been filled out and then submit that to mySQL. If the form 
has not been completely filled out I want it to redirect them back to the 
original form. I know that the mySQL part of the script works, but I am 
unable to get the part of the script that checks the form input to see if 
everything was filled out to work. It seems to bypass this part of the 
script and enter the info into mySQL . Here is what I have so far:

If (($fname == " ") || ($lname == " "))
                 header("Location: http://callook.org/member_joinform.html");
         $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "name", "password");
         $sql = "INSERT INTO 
         $result = mysql_query($sql);

I hope the formatting comes out right. I am sure it is something simple I 
have missed but I have tried the script several different ways and nothing 
seems to work. Thank you for any help.


Louis Brooks

BTW: Is there a faq for this list before I go asking anymore questions?

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