While running the below code, a form passes the image name to this code, the
values when executed are as follows:
Step1: upload_file_type: 
Step1: upload_file: C:\\Documents and Settings\\jack.IISG\\Desktop\\BVP.jpg
Step1: extention: 

Step2: upload_file_type: 
Step2: upload_file: C:\\Documents and Settings\\jack.IISG\\Desktop\\BVP.jpg
Step2: extention: image/pjpeg

And what happens is it keeps giving me the following error:
Not a Valid Image Extension, .jpg only!
This is going to be something stupid that I am being blind to... any help
--------------- Code Below ------------------------------------
//The file to be uploaded
global $upload_file_name;
echo "Step1: upload_file_type: " . $upload_file_type ."<br>";
echo "Step1: upload_file: " . $upload_file."<br>";
echo "Step1: extention: " . $extention ."<br>";
if($upload_file !="")
//image size esle will ignore ...
$file_type1 = "image/pjpeg";
$file_type2 = "image/jpeg";
$file_type3 = "image/gif";
$file_type4 = "image/jpg";
echo "Step2: upload_file_type: " . $upload_file_type ."<br>";
echo "Step2: upload_file: " . $upload_file."<br>";
echo "Step2: extention: " . $extention ."<br>";
if (($upload_file_type == $file_type1) or ($upload_file_type == $file_type2)
or ($upload_file_type == $file_type3) or ($upload_file_type == $file_type4))
$ext=strrchr($upload_file_name, ".");//
$picture_name=str_replace(" ","_",$picture_name);
@copy($upload_file, "images/contacts/".$upload_file_name); 
$image_test_size = "images/contacts/".$upload_file_name;
$image_size = getimagesize($image_test_size);
$img_width = (($image_size[0]));
$img_height = (($image_size[1]));
if (($img_width > $img_max_width or $img_height > $img_max_height)) {
} else {
   echo "Not a Valid Image Extension, .jpg only!";

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