Has anyone had any problems with the $_POST super global not working in a
HTTPS environment?

My code works perfectly fine through a unsecured HTTP POST but when I do an
HTTPS POST it only handles a few variable (I think 15 or 16). Any more than
that and it looses all the $_POSTed variables.

Has anyone seen this and more importantly know the fix for the problem?

May or may not be the same, but I certainly wasted a couple days this week tracking down similar problems. Turns out it was an IE bug when using Apache/mod_ssl. There's a fix listed on the mod_ssl site - I just added the following to an .htaccess file or the apache configuration file...

SetEnvIf User-Agent ".MSIE."
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

-- Jack Baty Fusionary Media - http://fusionary.com/ Weblog - http://jackbaty.com

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