Nitin Mehta wrote:
Hello all,

I'm facing this problem and tried many solutions with no success. How do I reset the value of PHP_AUTH_USER and PW.

I've tried session_destroy(), but as I'm not starting any session at all, it's not worth.

I've tried using random value to include in header.

Now what should I do?

Thanx in adv for any suggestion/help

Are you trying to logoff a user using http autheniation? Provide a logoff link in this form:

<a href="http://nonexistentuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Logoff</a>

This sets the login credentials in the browser to nonexisting user, so your code will return 401 response and the browser will ask the user for username and password again.

I'm not sure if this method works in IE with the latest security patch installed. These should ignore username and password in links.

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