user curly braces around your arrays in the string e.g:
$sql = "INSERT INTO x VALUES ({$_SESSION['add']['name']} ....";

oh, and unless add & name are actually constants you should always wrap them in single quotes. (php will covert the non-exstent constant into a string a issue an E_NOTICE + its overhead)

Richard Harb wrote:

Tuesday, April 6, 2004, 1:21:52 AM, you wrote:

i cant cut and paste my exact mysql query because it takes the ''
stuff out doubles the $'s and the ,'s in the whole thing (dont know
why but anyways...)...

i have a query that goes something like this:
mysql_query("insert into $GuestbookTable values(NULL,
'$_SESSION[add][date]', '$_SESSION[add][name]',

the problem i get is using the multi dimentional arrays to insert
text and stuff all i actually get when i echo the query or do a real
insert is:

echoed it would be something like:
insert into rnjresort.guestbook values(NULL, 'array([add]),
'array([add])', 'array([add])', .......

any idea what the problem is here? do i have the '' in the wrong
places?? i know that works on single dimention arrays but doubled?

Well, then again you can still write your query as:

$sql = "INSERT INTO table (field1, field2, ..., fieldn)"
$sql .= " VALUES ('" . $ar['index1']['index2'][$i] . "'" .
        " ,'" . $ar['index1']['index2'][$i] . "'";

or some such ... close/open the strings in between :)



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