On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 18:47, Andy B wrote:
> I have this very large and long if statement:
> if
>  (!empty($_SESSION['add']['type'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['start_date']
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['end_date'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['name'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['county'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['discription'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['StartingDay'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['StartingMonth'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['StartingYear'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['EndingDay']})
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['EndingMonth'])
>  && !empty($_SESSION['add']['EndingYear']))
>  {//run the insert query}
> else
>  {//show error since one or more fields above are blank}
> was wondering if there was really any way to condense that down to something
> any better? all fields in the form that those came from are required...

$errors = array();
foreach( $_SESSION['add'] as $key => $value )
    if( isempty( $value ) )
        $errors[] = "You forgot to fill $key."

if( count( $array ) )
    echo 'Hey MORON! You have the following errors:<br />';
    echo '<ul>'
        .implode( '</li><li>', $errors );
    // Do SQL INSERT query.

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