you should also be considering spaces, leading zeros, brackets, dashes & international notation.

/^(((\+|00)[- ]?[0-9]{2,3}[- ]?(\(0\))?[- ]?[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1,})|(0[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1,}))[- ]?(([0-9]{7,})|([0-9]{3}[ -]{1}[0-9]{4}))$/

line-wrapping is unintentional, no garantees as to how good it is.

Shaun wrote:

"Michal Migurski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I am trying to create a regular expression for a mobile phone number. The
number must be 12 digits long(0-9) and begin with 447 and have no spaces.
So far I have come up with this but it keeps telling me the number is
invalid even when its correct!

Try this:

$regexp = "/447[0-9]{9}/";
 if($_POST[mobile_number] != ''){
   if(!preg_match( $regexp, $_POST[mobile_number] )){
     $error = "Invalid Mobile Number";

header("Location:edit_rep.php?error=$error&rep_id=".$_GET[rep_id]."&client_i d=".$_GET[client_id]."&rep_name=".$_GET[rep_name]."&client_name=".$_GET[clie nt_name]."");


Also, your regexp is a little permissive; you can anchor it like so:

$regexp = "/^447[0-9]{9}$/";

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:

Thanks for your reply Michal,

but the regular expression still seems to reject the number...

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