I am getting 2 values from a form:

$client_id and $client_name (for understanding: client_id = '12'

when the client submits the form:
1. I run a query in my php script inserts this data into the db,assigns a

2. The query also checks if I have a stored sql statement for this C_ID
2a. If "YES" it tries to execute the query (if NO, execution stops here, all
is well)

3.The stored SQL is usually something like "insert into

Heres where the problems coming in, it seems to be doing everything as it
should except when
I check the database I see that it has inserted:
"$client_id"  "$client_name"  into the fields instead of "12"  "ryan"

The above should explain everything but if you want the code I can post it.

Kindly reply.


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