Hi, being somewhat of a noob, I hope I'm using the right language to phrase
this question...

In a project I am working with, I have a multi-dimensional array in session
when a user logs in. Visually, it looks something like this...

    username => value
    isAdmin => value
    modSettings =>  contacts => array
                    news => array
                    listings => firstname => value
                                lastname => value
                                active => value
                                phone => value
                    gallery => array
                    anothermod => array
    userID => value
    js => value

I'm trying to check the value of active for an if() statement and can't seem
to figure out the correct syntax to get it to work. I've tried

if($_SESSION["OBJ_user"]->modSettings["listings"]->active == "1") {
    then do something;
} else {
    then do something else;

if($_SESSION["OBJ_user"]["modSettings"]["listings"]["active"]) {
    then do something;
} else {
    then do something else;

if($_SESSION["OBJ_user"]["modSettings"]["listings"]["active"] == "1") {
    then do something;
} else {
    then do something else;

and none of them work even though I know the session value is there.

Any advice as to what I'm doing wrong?


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