Never mind y'all ... me stupid ...

obviously the ( has meaning, and needs to be escaped ... was starting to think it could only do 2 ereg's in 1 script *sigh*

Sorry for wasting time and bandwidth ... the function now looks like this and works :

function gfx_smiley($text) {
  $smiley_path = 'smiley';

$text = eregi_replace(':-?D','<img src="'.$smiley_path.'/biggrin.gif" alt=":D" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">',$text);
$text = ereg_replace(':-?\?','<img src="'.$smiley_path.'/confused.gif" alt=":?" width="15" height="22" align="absmiddle">',$text);
$text = ereg_replace(':&#039;-?\(','<img src="'.$smiley_path.'/crying.gif" alt=":&#039;(" width="25" height="15" align="absmiddle">',$text);
$text = ereg_replace(':-?\(','<img src="'.$smiley_path.'/frown.gif" alt=":(" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">',$text);

  return $text;

At 15:43 14-04-2004, -{ Rene Brehmer }- wrote:
I'm trying to do graphical smileys for my guestbook, but I've run into a problem with the crying smilies:

I need to replace :'( and :'-( ... or as they look in the post after being entered through htmlentities with ent_quotes on:


this causes the entire message to disappear:

$text = ereg_replace(':&#039;-?(','<img src="'.$smiley_path.'/crying.gif" alt=":&#039;(" width="25" height="15" align="absmiddle">',$text);

only the format of the search part differs from my other smiley replacements, so obviously that's where the problem is ... afaik, neither &, # or ; have any meaning in regex, so I don't get what causes it ... I've tried escaping all of those chars, and it still causes $text to come back empty...

any ideas will be highly appreciated...

-- Rene Brehmer aka Metalbunny

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