Chris Boget <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:59 AM said:

>>> Not exactly... I was not reffering to PHP files... The white spaces
>>> from a template file will make double the size of certain files when
>>> they are sent to the browser... So a page of 50 k might have 100 K
>>> because of those white spaces instead of tabs... For a dial up
>>> connection this means a lot even if you are not google...
>> can someone confirm this? this sounds totally wrong.
> Why does it sound totally wrong?  A tab is a single character whereas
> 2 spaces are 2 characters.

i guess you didn't read the second part of my email that started after
the "ON THE OTHER HAND" line.

what i was trying to say was that if he meant the HTML output then yes
of course it's going to make the file larger... SO instead of using the
tab key to indent his html he should use the space bar. i use one space
to indent html. i use the tab key (literally 4 spaces) to indent my php.


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