I fully agree with you but as I have mentioned the first time Zend seems to
be to slow for fast editing... And sometimes it really takes too much from
the computer resources...

> I spend around 8 to 10 hours a day inside of Zend Studio (it's open
> behind this email window as I type) and I couldn't live without it
> now. I'm not going to list all of it's good points, there are just too
> many - but I personally love the full function insight and
> auto-complete. Not just for PHP functions, but for your own too -
> works perfectly across classes, etc. Same goes for variable
> completion. The code Profiler and Debugger are a god-send as well,
> being able to step through the code of a page, inserting break points,
> adding variable watches and modifying the results *on the fly* is
> brilliant.
> I have a few issues with it from a user-interface level though - it
> would be useful to have bookmarks (that can be saved with your code),
> the drop-down menus sometimes flicker or just roll-up instantly - this
> I feel is a side-effect of the Java runtime. You also need a monster
> PC for it to run happily (read: quickly). I'm using it on a P4 3GHz.
> For the HTML side of things it is useless, so I have Homesite 5 open
> alongside it nearly all of the time, but then I rarely mix my PHP code
> with raw HTML anyway, so this isn't a big issue for me.

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