John W. Holmes wrote:
Either we'd talk about the (dis)advantages of TE's in general
or compare different TE's, i.e. smarty vs. pattemplate vs. xslt.

Wait a minute... are we talking about Smarty as in Because I
was thinking of something else this entire time and this completely changes
the discussion...

---John Holmes... ;)

There's a

No wonder I was getting so confused going to

You do realize that with 2.5 hours left in the work day today, we're likely to get even sillier? ;)

*  _  __       __      __       _                      * John  Nichel *
* | |/ /___ __ \ \    / /__ _ _| |__ ___  __ ___ _ __  * 716.856.9675 *
* | ' </ -_) _` \ \/\/ / _ \ '_| / /(_-<_/ _/ _ \ '  \ * 737 Main St. *
* |_|\_\___\__, |\_/\_/\___/_| |_\_\/__(_)__\___/_|_|_|* Suite #150   *
*          |___/                                       * Buffalo, NY  *
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