Lester Caine wrote:
EVERY message posted to lists.php.net simply gets bounced, and every attempt to get a response on these lists has been ignored.
YES there is an unsubscribe, BUT it will only work if the eMail server at PHP will actually accept the unsubscribers eMail.
I am not the only person who has been having problems getting email responses - so arrogant replies of "Read the messages" tend to piss me off :)

Worked for me Tuesday when I unsubscribed my home email address.

*  _  __       __      __       _                      * John  Nichel *
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* |_|\_\___\__, |\_/\_/\___/_| |_\_\/__(_)__\___/_|_|_|* Suite #150   *
*          |___/                                       * Buffalo, NY  *
* http://www.KegWorks.com            [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 14203 - 1321 *

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