Make sure it's not just a cookie-problem related to server name. The shopping cart session for "" is different from the shopping cart for "". If this is your problem, I think you can fix it by changing how you call "setcookie".

Of course, this may not be the problem, in which case you can ignore what I just said. :-)



Jaskirat Singh wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have some thing weird happening with sessions here.
They are getting destroyed/reset for *SOME* clients.
I wrote a shopping cart which obviously needs sessions to work.
It works perfectly fine on my development server .. but when I move it
to my production server it starts behaving strange. It works for some
client PCs and not so for others.

I tested with 2 servers and 2 clients.

Test Results
Client       Server                   Result

PC           Development Server       OK
NoteBook     Development Server       OK
PC           Production Server        PROBLEM
Notebook     Production Server        OK

PC = Win 98, IE6/Opera7
Notebook = Win XP, IE 6
Devlopment Server = PHP 4.1.2
Production Server = PHP 4.3.5

Three out of four cases are working OK. And one is simply not working
and sessions keep getting reset on every page request. This kinda sounds as if its neither the server nor the client which is
the problem but some combination of the two which is the problem. The
combination which had the problem had it for IE 6 as well as Opera 7.

I asked my friends to test and 2 reported its OK and 1 reported the same problem that I encountered.

The shopping cart code is written by me and is running on a couple of other servers perfectly fine.

The production server is
PHPinfo() page

Any ideas on where to look would be highly appreciated.


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