Phplist wrote:

> php-general,您好!
>           I've a PHP-MySQL site now.
>               I've a empty database named 'dsx'.
>               I'd like to creat a table named 'test' and insert some data in order 
> to test the database can use now.
>               Can any one give me some code about this,FROM connect TO query?
>          Thank you in advance.
>         致
> 礼!
>         PHPLIST
>           2004-04-21

The SQL is the same as you would do with MySQL from the command line.
(see MySQL documentation, it is good for learning basic SQL).  However,
you need to create a connection to the database and then create the SQL
queries.  I can't tell you exactly how to do this, it depends on what
version of PHP and what version of MySQL you are using.

See the manual, your connection/query question is answered here:

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