Hey John,
Thanks for replying.

I cant use strip slashes because there are a number of scripts doing DB
things and searching for all of them and modifying things just for one
client can be a royal PITA.

I tried to use "php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off" in the *existing* .htaccess
file like so:

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

AuthUserFile /c36/admin/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Password Protected Area"
AuthType Basic

<limit GET POST>
require valid-user

But then am getting a 500 error...

any ideas?


On 4/23/2004 5:55:34 AM, John W. Holmes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ryan A wrote:
> > For example this insert statement:
> > insert into test_ing values('a','a','a','a')
> >
> > becomes:
> > insert into test_ing values (\'a\',\'a\',\'a\',\'a\')
> >
> > I immediatly suspected "magic_quotes" but checked (via phpinfo) and see
> that
> > magic_quotes are off, as a safety precaution I even have
> > "set_magic_quotes_runtime(0)" in the "config.php" file...
> > I did see that "magic_quotes_gpc" is on, and then went to the PHP
> online
> > manual and it says this cant be fixed during runtime...? is this
> the
> > problem? if so how to fix it?
> _runtime() applies to data coming _out_ of a database within your
> script. Answer is go turn magic_quotes_gpc OFF or use stripslashes() on
> the data.
> --
> ---John Holmes...
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