I was wondering if anyone knows how to do whole word searches in mysql.
have a search textbox that users can enter in multiple words to search
in the database, but things like the mysql LIKE match any part of a
Is there a way to search for whole word matches only?  Please let me
know if
you can help.

the following might not be the most efficient way...and not tested

use explode to seperate the words placed in the form field

$arrayWords = explode(" ", $_POST['seach_box'])

then do query with loop to populate IN statement

$getData = "SELECT stuff FROM table ";
$getData .= "WHERE column IN (";

for($i = 0; $i < count($arrayWords); $i++){
   if($i != (count($arrayWords)-1)){
      $getData .= "'" . $arrayWords[$i] . "',";
           } else { 
        $getData .= "'" . $arrayWords[$i] . "'";
$getData .= ") ";
$dbData = mysql_query($getData, your_connection_string);

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