On Wed, 12 May 2004 11:27 pm, Rudy Metzger wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 15:18, Mark Constable wrote:
> > You can at least make the below work by removing the first
> > forum() instance and using
> >
> >  function forum($naam=NULL,$tijd=NULL,$tekst=NULL)
> >
> > and test the incoming variables with isset() before attempting
> > to use any of them.
> If you assign default values to the method arguments, you cannot test
> them with isset() anymore, as they will be set.

# cat null_test.php
class forum {

      function forum($naam=NULL,$tijd=NULL,$tekst=NULL) {

          echo "\n";
          echo "\n";
          echo "\n";
$test=new forum('hi');
# php null_test.php


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