Hi! I found that when I try to call class method "addchild" from reference of object - php change not original object. New copy of object will created.
Very strange.... Example: <? class pages { var $childs; var $absnum; function pages($absnum) { $this->absnum = $absnum; } function addchild(&$node) { if (!is_array($this->childs)) $this->childs = array(); $this->childs[$node->absnum] = $node; } } $allpages = new pages(0); $allrows = array(); $allrows[0] = &$allpages; $allrows[2] = &new pages(2); $allrows[0]->addchild($allrows[2]); $allrows[3] = &new pages(3); $allrows[0]->addchild($allrows[3]); $allrows[4] = &new pages(4); $allrows[3]->addchild($allrows[4]); // This is data of object $allrows[3] echo '<pre>'; print_r($allrows[3]); echo '</pre>'; // But in global array element $allrows[3] have another value echo '<pre>'; print_r($allpages); echo '</pre>'; ?> Any ideas? Thanks -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php