I believe when you add the -f flag, the tail command doesn't exit, it
just keeps printing as data is appended to the log, did you try dropping
the -f flag?

On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 10:15, Jas wrote:
> Anyone know what this wouldn't work?  I have tried using a couple of 
> functions defined at http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.exec.php and none 
> seem to have the desired effect.
> <?php
> $tailed = shell_exec('tail -f /path/to/log');
> //$tailed = exec('tail -f /path/to/log');
> //$tailed = system('tail -f /path/to/log');
> print = "<textarea>$tailed</textarea>";
> ?>
> Thanks in advance,
> Jas

Adam Voigt

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