Curt, et al --

...and then Curt Zirzow said...
% messages. The best thing to do is report them to their provider.

I've been sending these (initially forwarded with a "this mailbox is an
autoresponder that generates this message on the list" preamble and then
just redirected) to root/abuse/postmaster at credit suisse and astral,
and now also to the domain contacts (interestingly enough, both look to
have registered through ipowerweb although the owners appear quite
unrelated) for a few weeks now.

Perhaps it's time to start calling ipowerweb at 888/511-4678 to encourage
them to help these clients fix their broken configurations (be they on an
ipower virtual server or within a corporate network).  Then, again, astral
is due to expire late next month; perhaps it really will!

Hey, I guess I'll have two more messages to fire off in about a minute :-)


David T-G
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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