Petr U. wrote:
On Sat, 08 May 2004 21:00:43 -0500
Anguz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > > Do you know any solution that can help me. I've find an application named
 > > HTML guard but it only work for static html pages. I need more a class or
 > > function to prevent for printing.

There is _no way_ to really hide/protect html page on client side.. If someone
(some knowing) would like to show your source and it's important for him, then
he spend some time to break this ugly protection.

Just to strengthen/clarify this statement, look at it this way. The user has downloaded the data to his machine. You don't have any control over the data after that point. Heck, the user can just print the screen they are looking at. How you gonna stop that?

If you're just looking to discourage casual copying, then carry on. :-) If it's really important, you might be able to generate non-printable PDF files, or generate images containing the desired text, or stuff like that. Just to make copying/printing harder.



Travis Low

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