Steve Buehler wrote:

I am trying to write a script that will replace a string in a file. Actually, about 3000 files. And I am stuck. I can get the list of files, but then I pretty much become stuck. I wanted to try str_ireplace (not sure if that is what I should use or not), but I can't even get far enough to do that. I am hoping that someone out there has an easy response to this. Below is the code that I have so far.

$strtoreplace="require \"";;
$replacewithstring="require \"/home/domain/www/";


function replacestring(){
GLOBAL $strtoreplace,$replacewithstring;
        $FILES=array(`ls -1 */*|grep .php`);
        foreach($FILES as $value){
                        echo "file $value\n";

^_^ You could use PEAR's File_SearchReplace.

A few lines of code and it's all done for you. :-)

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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