> Up what creek?  You didn't really provide any technical justification
> for your suggestion.

Up the creek of having to call for help on php-general because you have 24
identical tables you need to join, having never performed a join before.

> The "pain" only occurs when writing the SQL statements to join the
> tables.  I don't think it's a good idea to optimize the database schema
> for the sake of the programmer, who only has to write the SQL one time.

I wholeheartedly disagree. :) I think that optimizing for the sake of the
programmer, the bug fixer, and the possible inheritor of the project is a
/great/ idea. Servers keep getting faster, while the human attention span
and rate of familiarization with code stays approximately constant, so
optimizing your development time is at least as sensible as optimizing SQL
select performance, which is probably better handled through well-chosen
indexes anyway.

Optimizing for the programmer usually translates into thinking about the
humans who will need to interpret your code, and making it easy to pick up
the gist of your intent. A 24-table join is not a typical characteristic
of what I'd consider a well-planned DB schema, whose meaning can be
quickly grokked by a newcomer to the project.

If all those 24 tables store the same kind of data, then there's no reason
to split them up. Of course, we haven't seen the specific usage of those
tables in this thread, but I'm basing my posts on the assumption that it's
better for the OP to have a "marbles" table with a "color"  column, than
tables named "red_marbles", "blue_marbles", 'green_marbles,"  etc. If
that's not the kind of data we're talking about, then I stand corrected,
and John Nichel's initial response is all that's needed.

A huge table count is often evidence of a need for some refactoring.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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