John W. Holmes <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:32 AM said:

> Personal preference here, I guess, but I don't care for searches that
> don't tell you how many records were matched (or how many pages
> you'll have). I think the additional query is well worth it. The
> number of results tells me how successful my search was and whether I
> need to expand or shrink my search criteria.

i agree.

and as an update to this thread: i'm pretty much done with the whole
paging thing. having written my code in a much OO manner than the
previous incantation it was much easier to implement. in fact i only had
to add a few lines to the actual page code. most of it went into the
object itself. and you can sort on all the columns too.

i still need to add some other things like text searching (right now it
just returns all records) and the ability to adjust the number of
records per page. but other than that i think i'm all set.


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