I've written a script that displays a graph of some data from a text file.
Beneath each bar in the graph is a text label. I read the php.net
documentation and it seemed that imagettftext() was the easiest function to
get text in an image with, so I used that. Here is the text-display code
(syntax is all correct):

imagettftext($im, 10, 0, $i * 100 + 10, 190, $black, "arial",
str_pad($candidates[$i][0], 12, " ", STR_PAD_BOTH));

This code works perfectly well on both windows machines I've tried it on,
but causes an error in the image on both non-windows (Unix variants)
machines I've tried it on. Does anyone have
-any idea why its breaking?
-a solution to get it to work on *nix machines?
-a different way to display text in an image?

Thanks a lot.

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