Doesn't the command return 1 or 0 in success or failure?

You may not have a result 

Probably wrong but something like

if (mysql_query($query)) {

} else {


or you could die out mysql_query($query) or die ........

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Boget, Chris wrote:

> > i was just wondering what you guys do to check if a wquery 
> > suceeded or not?
> > I know about mysql_num_rows() and mysql_affected_rows(), just 
> > wondered what 
> > you guys do?
> I do this:
> $result = mysql( $dbname, $query );
> if(( $result ) && ( mysql_errno() == 0 )) {
>   // query was successful
>   if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) {
>     // do your stuff here...
>   } else {
>     echo "Successful query returned no rows";
>   } 
> } else {
>   echo "Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br>\n";
> }
> There is a difference between a "successful query" and
> a query that returns 0 rows and should be handled
> differently, typically.  Depending on what you are doing,
> you might not care -- 0 rows = unsuccessful query.
> However, in my case, I want to know if a query was
> malformed, contained erroneous data that's throwing
> mySQL off or whatever.  These types of errors will 
> return 0 rows as well.
> Chris

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