
Please read my question a bit better :).

PHP indeed does report the E_STRICT notices fine, that's not my problem. I know how error handling in PHP works :).

But I have my own error handler (see: set_error_handler()) and handle all notices and warnings myself (and all other E_USER_* of course). And I was wondering why errors of the level E_STRICT don't make it to my custom error handler function, in contrast to for example E_NOTICE.

Didn't expect to have to explain this here :(.


Jason Barnett wrote:
Bert Slagter wrote:


I tried to use my own error handler to handle all non-fatal errors. But to my surprise it seems to be impossible to handle E_STRICT level notices. I don't know whether this is by design, not yet implemented or a know bug that I overlooked - but it seems rather strange :).

To reproduce:
- create your own error handler
- set error_reporting to 0

If you set error_reporting to 0, then why should you expect to have any errors reported? You'd need error_reporting(2048) to just see those errors (assuming you're using PHP5).


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