Robert Winter <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Thursday, June 03, 2004 4:31 PM said:

> Where and how do I set this? I'm to Unix and PHP.

just look up mod_rewrite and you'll get some answers.


p.s. please don't respond to two different messages with exactly the
same one-word-missing response. it's very annoying. at least for me...
and maybe some others... i can think of one person. but i wont name

NED: Elaine, when my father was black listed he couldn't work for years.
He and his friends used to sit at Hop Sing's every day figuring out how
to survive.

ELAINE: You're father was blacklisted? 

NED: Yes he was, and you know why? Because he was betrayed by people he
trusted. They "named names".

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