Hmm... Ive been having same problems with mysql and picking random
numbers, I ended up having to program a rather more sofisticated
system to eliminate the stats you were referring to.

You could, not that it will be any better, try another approach :

Something like :

$count = count($your_data_array);
$random = rand(0, $count);
echo $your_data_array[$random];

PHP is maby using the same random function for both the array_rand and
rand for all I know but its worth a go.

The harder way would be to include an internal counter for your elements you
want to be randomized, so that when an item is selected you count it. Then
next time you calculate the random element you take the accual hits into
There are like a 1000 ways to do this so use your imagination.

One way could be to use some sessions, and when a user hits the page you
precalculate the random sort for all your elements, and store that in the
Then for each and every visit form that visitor you just go along with the
data. This way your user will get a truly randomized experienced, and youll
be showing
off all the elements even if the random function in itself is abit

Im sure there also exists a mathematical approach calculating a sort of the
elements based
on the earlier views (meaning that we count each view).

Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.
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