I would suggest (haven't tried to write code in details) to associate a
random number in a variable each time you send a cookie (for new cookies
anyway) and store the key (randomvariable<->cookie) ina database. You should
be able to verify the user at next connection verifying the matching key.

"Michal Migurski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio
> > [snip}
> > > As well as much harder for AOL subscribers (whose IP's change
> > > to use the site.
> > [snip]
> >
> > WHAT?? Are you sure of this? AOL really breaks internet browsing this
> > much? Sorry, I can't believe this. If this was true, many things would
> > break.
> Not really -- HTTP is stateless, so there's really no reason for each
> request to come from the same IP. As other posters in this thread have
> pointed out, AOL uses an army of proxy servers. In the past, they've even
> cached and re-compressed images for the benefit of those on slow dialup.
> As you say, wacky stuff.
> You're on the right track, though - the way to make cookies tougher to
> crack is to associate the cookie with some other piece of user
> information. I've toyed with using an encrypted string based on the user
> agent as part of the cookie, but have never encountered a project where
> this level of care was called-for while SSL was not.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
> sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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