But if I am able to bring up test.php with the PHP configuration etc., then PHP is 
working right?

-----Original Message-----
From: dave windsor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:47 AM
To: Php-general
Subject: Re: [PHP] index.php not loading up

Assuming you're using apache and php 4, check httpd.conf for a the 
following data:

       LoadModule php4_module libexec/libphp4.so
         In the AddModule section: AddModule mod_php4.c
          AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

If any of those aren't there, its possible that php wasn't properly 
Check http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.apache.php for more details.

On Jun 15, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Nguyen, Long P (Mission Systems) wrote:

> I am able to bring up a test.php file, but when I try to bring up this 
> index.php file, the page does not load but the syntaxes below load up. 
>  Any ideas?
> Thank you.
>    <<? echo $sys_graphics .> " alt="Keystone 2" 
> />
>   _____
> setCols(2); $loginBox->addRow('Username'); $loginBox->addRow(''); 
> $loginBox->addRow("Password"); $loginBox->addRow(''); 
> $loginBox->setSpan(2); $loginBox->setAlignment('center'); 
> $loginBox->addRow(''); echo $loginBox->dump(); echo "
> "; echo "\n"; 
> #----------------------------------------------------------------- # 
> Contact login box... /* echo " "; echo "
> "; $contactBox = new Box("Contact login"); $contactBox->setCols(2); 
> $contactBox->addRow('Username','50%'); $contactBox->addRow('','50%'); 
> $contactBox->addRow("Password",'50%'); $contactBox->addRow('','50%'); 
> $contactBox->setSpan(2); $contactBox->setAlignment('center'); 
> $contactBox->addRow(''); echo $contactBox->dump(); echo "
> "; echo "\n"; */ 
> #----------------------------------------------------------------- # 
> Go to a specific slip... echo ' '; echo '
> '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; $slipBox = new Box("View / Create a slip"); 
> $slipBox->setCols(3); $slipBox->addRow('Slip number','30%'); 
> $slipBox->addRow('','30%'); $slipBox->addRow('','30%'); 
> $slipBox->setAlignment('center'); $slipBox->setSpan(3); 
> $slipBox->addRow('
> '); echo $slipBox->dump(); echo "
> "; echo "\n"; ?>
> setCols(2); $browseBox->addRow("Slips whose status is","50%"); 
> $statcodes = new fetchStatus(); $values = $statcodes->getResult(); $t 
> = ''."\n"; $t .= " Any"; while (list($key,$val) = each($values)) { $t 
> .= " $val"; } $t .= ""; $browseBox->addRow($t,"50%"); 
> $browseBox->addRow("Relating to","50%"); $quickslips = new 
> fetchQuickSlips(); $values = $quickslips->getResult(); $t = ''."\n"; 
> if (isset($values)) { while (list($key,$val) = each($values)) { $t .= 
> " $val"; } } // Prevent an error on the index page if there are no 
> slips yet. $t .= ""; $browseBox->addRow($t,"50%"); 
> $browseBox->setSpan(2); $browseBox->setAlignment('center'); 
> $browseBox->addRow('','50%'); echo $browseBox->dump(); /* ?>
>  setAlignment("center"); $newBox->addRow('dump(); */?>
>   _____
> Keystone2 is © 1998-2004 Stonekeep Consulting, Inc
> http://www.stonekeep.com/ <http://www.stonekeep.com/>

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