Min Wang wrote:

Hello, all!
So glad to join this maillist. I'm a beginner of PHP. I'd like to call a "mail" command in a 
"mail.php" like the following:

echo `mail -s test [EMAIL PROTECTED] <my.txt`;

There was no error, but it didn't send the mail as I wished.

Other command lines like:

echo `ls *`;


"my.txt" lies in the same directory as "mail.php", and this command line works in the 
normal command line. But as a PHP file it doesn't work. What's wrong with this file? Could you give me 
some advices?

Thanks a lot!


Your directory may not be set correctly. Have you tried printing getcwd() and seeing if it's correct?

If this doesn't work, why not try using mail() or one of the many mailing packages (e.g. PEAR Mail).

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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