On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:34:21 -0400, Gabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm writing a *very* simple search form for my db and was interested in
> hearing some recommendations on what to check for with the user's input
> for the search.
> However, I guess more specifically my question is if anyone had any
> advice as to other things I should check since it's a search form.
> Obviously there's a lot more valid entries that a user can make than a
> normal form where you might know more specifically what they should
> enter and thus your validation can be more stringent.

Well, for starters you should definately check and prevent SQL
injection.  I use this in all my scripts:

if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0){
   $_GET = isset($_GET) ? array_map("slashes", $_GET) : array();
   $_POST  = isset($_POST) ? array_map("slashes", $_POST) : array();
   $_COOKIE = isset($_COOKIE) ? array_map("slashes", $_COOKIE) : array();

function slashes($var){
        return array_map("slashes", $var);
        return addslashes($var);

Greg Donald

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