That's sort of a known issue with our oh so standards compliant
favourite browser...

Search google for
       ie png transparency

and though shall be enlighted.

-----Original Message-----
> Hi, I have been working to create a program that takes a user-uploaded
> background image, a little alpha blending, some data, and a pinch of
> fairy dust, and outputs a nice image.  I have had trouble with the image
> displaying properly in Internet Explorer.  An example:


> If you open it in any non-IE browser, it looks fine, but if you open it
> in IE, the gray background is not made transparent.

> My question is, how can I fix this, and if I can't, is there any 
> alternative for making a transparent background.  Here's my code snipplet:

>               $color = ImageColorAt($im, 1, 1);
>       imagecolortransparent($im, $color);

> Also, I output the file as a png file, but I don't care what it is 
> output as (although my server for some reason doesn't recognize 
> ImageGif...):

>       header("Content-Type: image/png");
>       Imagepng($im);

> Any advice?

> Thanks,
> Brian

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