Scott Miller wrote:

I've changed my script to the following:


$file ="/var/log/radius.log";

$fp = popen("/usr/bin/tail -$limit $file", 'r');
if (! $fp ) {
 echo 'unable to pipe command';
while (!feof($fp) ) {
 $line = fgets($fp);
 print $line;

And now get the following errors:

Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgets() in /var/www/html/logs2.php on
line 10

I get this over and over and over (like it's producing the error once


line in the log file).

prior to PHP 4.2 you had to use a second parameter for fgets. This parameter is the maximum length per line to read. $line = fget($fp,4096); will probably work.


Changed that line as shown above, and now get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fget() in /var/www/html/logs2.php
on line 11

Sorry. I mean fgets ...

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