V Patel wrote:

I have a csv string. But the string also contains other strings with commas.

Explode is not working with this kind of string. For example,

1,2,3,"this string gets parsed , at the comma"

Result of explode(",",string) is
this string gets parsed
at the comma

But what I want is
this string gets parsed , at the comma

I am not fluent with regular expressions. If anybody could help.


Here's a funciton I cooked up to deal with this:

* does a regular split, but also accounts for the deliminator to be within quoted fields
* for example, if called as such:
* splitQuoteFriendly(',', '0,1,2,"3,I am still 3",4');
* it will return:
* array(0 => '0',
* 1 => '1',
* 2 => '2',
* 3 => '"3,I am still 3"',
* 4 => '4');
* @param string deliminator to split by
* @param string text to split
* @param string text which surrounds quoted fields (defaults to ")
* @return array array of fields after split
function splitQuoteFriendly($delim, $text, $quote = '"') {
$strictFields = explode($delim, $text);
for($sl = 0, $l = 0; $sl < sizeof($strictFields); ++$sl) {
$fields[$l] = $strictFields[$sl];
$numQuotes = 0;
while(fmod($numQuotes += substr_count($strictFields[$sl], $quote), 2) == 1) {
$fields[$l] .= $delim.$strictFields[$sl];

  return $fields;


Just do a splitQuoteFriendly("\n", $csv), then loop through the resulting array and do splitQuoteFriendly(',', $line).

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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