ok, i understand now that private members are NOT inherited. i guess it was just throwing me off that var_dump()/print_r() display the parents private member, even tho its not really a member of the subclass.


Marek Kilimajer wrote:
Chris wrote --- napísal::

if anyone can, would you please explain why the below code does what it does? I would expect $this->test in TestInstance to refer to the inherited $test from Test. Using php5RC3. Thanks.

abstract class Test {
    private $test;
    abstract public function addToTest($i);

class TestInstance extends Test {
    public function __construct() {
        $this->test = 0;

    public function addToTest($i) {
        $this->test += $i;

$t = new TestInstance();


// test var SHOULD be private
echo "private test (shouldn't be able to access it directly, but i can): ".$t->test."\n\n";

object(TestInstance)#1 (2) {
private test (shouldn't be able to access it directly, but i can): 3

The variable is private for Test, so TestInstance does not have access to it. By assigning 0 to $this->test in the constructor of TestInstance, you create a new property of TestInstance that is public (the default).

var_dump() shows it clearly:
object(TestInstance)#1 (2) {
  ["test:private"]=> NULL   <---- belongs to Test
  ["test"]=> int(3)         <---- belongs to TestInstance

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